About The Space
We will meet in my beautiful home (pictured above) in West Loveland, Colorado at your scheduled appointment time in the morning for a QHHT session. If you've booked a session outside of Colorado, I will handle booking a hotel for us to conduct the session and will email you the address. The entire process takes around 5 to 7 hours (but it goes by quickly!). In Loveland, have many different blankets and pillows: a weighted blanket, multiple different textures, cotton, feather, memory foam pillows, etc… but you can always bring your own, especially if that will help you feel more at home! I'll have some caffeine free tea for you to choose from, show you where the restroom is, and then we'll get started!
What Led Me To This Work
My early life was filled with adversity, much like many of yours. Early in my childhood, my mom became permanently disabled from a work-related accident. That required me to grow up at a young age to care for her and my sister while my dad went off for weeks at a time to make up the lost income. As the years went on, there was so much struggle with addiction on both sides of my extended family, many loved ones didn't make it. I'd been there through cancer treatments, diabetic amputations, rampant dementia, open-heart surgeries, life-threatening addictions, mental illnesses, and funerals.
Through my various roles as family member, a friend, a peer, and hypnotist, I have some insight into the trauma we go through as humans after witnessing and/or experiencing car accidents, plane crashes, severe injury to one's body, becoming disabled, injustice within our justice system, gender bias (both male and female), death/bomb threats, being unable to save another person, miscarriage, infertility, death of a child, restricted custody of a child, losing a job, losing a relationship, divorce, domestic violence, sexual assaults, homicides, and suicides.
I know how dark it can get. At some point in our journey through the stages of grief, we all feel our pain and suffering should be able to count for something, like its own form of currency that we ought to be able to exchange for peace and ease in our future. While it can't be traded for a future free of heartache (as that would mean a future devoid of love), it absolutely does count for something. In my work, I'll help you recover the broken pieces so that you can begin to see what your Higher Self has waiting for you on the other side of this. Even if you can't see it now, every situation can experience healing, can return to light, and truly can transform into something beautiful moving forward. Nothing is ever truly lost.
In my own Kintsugi experience (this is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with golden glue so that the cracks are erased but rather highlighted to accentuate how something can become more beautiful after it breaks), I've broken down and open many many times. This isn't my whole story, but it is one of the important pieces that led me to where I am now. As a teenager, I always held onto the possibility that things would turn around for my loved ones. At the time, I thought if I could just be the one to "make it" I could spare everyone around me of their suffering. I became highly ambitious, enrolled in college at 16, earned an associate's degree and high school diploma in the same weekend, then graduated with a bachelor's degree as a 20 year old. Just when I thought I was on the right track to "making it" for my loved ones, I lost my best friend and mentor to suicide. Suddenly, the materialism, money, and job titles didn't matter to me. There were many dark years ahead; years void of color, hope, and "God".
It wasn't until half a decade later that I finally accepted my powerlessness over others, and moved through the fear that letting go of grief meant leaving behind the only connection I had left with my deceased loved ones. With some breathing room, I began to see that these "bad" things took me further than I could have ever gone on my own. I am not, and will never say my best friend's suicide had to happen for me to become me. There is not a day that goes by that I wouldn't trade my own highest good to have her back, even if it meant I'd never step onto the path I'm on (that's the funny thing about love). What I am saying is there comes a point where you have a choice to continue living despite the void. In my experience, it's only when you've confronted the harshness of reality and allowed yourself to stop fighting it that the catalysts can start working their transformational magic. This was the start of me repairing my relationship with a Higher Power (I didn't realize at the time was really my egos relationship with my own Higher Self). I'll never forget how much I grew from that. In a matter of a short, three-month period, my life was completely different. I quit my job, traveled all over the world, became a flight attendant for a year, and then simultaneously began working towards a career as an airline pilot.
During that time, I started helping others navigate their own dark nights of the soul and was eventually asked to step into a leadership role at my airline the January before the start of the pandemic. I provided psychological first aid to hundreds of crewmembers, helped build a team of peers to do the same, and provided trainings each year.
I had just earned my commercial pilot's license when a few weeks later I had a premonition dream predicting the death of my beloved grandmother. The very next day, she had an accident that began her exit from this world. Something about that time awakened psychic abilities in me that I had never had, which were both shocking and humbling. As I sat alongside my gram in her final moments, I tangibly felt the veil lift as she was escorted into another realm. From that moment on, I knew without a shadow of doubt there is in fact more to life after death. As the weeks past, it became clear she was still communicating with me and guiding me so the transition into my new life wouldn't be so hard. I hadn't know it then, but I had reached a fork in the road... one way was the path already well-paved guaranteeing money, credibility, and stability; the other uncharted territory.
It would take another year of trying to integrate the two paths before I could accept that I had changed, and there was no turning back. That is when I found the courage to share with my loved ones that I would no longer be pursuing a career as an airline pilot, not knowing what would come of the leap of faith or how they'd react to me doing something some consider taboo (spoiler alert, there were mixed reviews. View my coming out of the "woo-woo" closet story here).
My personal experience in grief and trauma response has not only enabled me to navigate past-lives more effectively, but allowed clients to feel more at ease. Because of that, clients relax into deeper states of hypnosis allowing for a clearer information to come through. It's absolutely incredible! It's not uncommon for people to come into a session nervous and leave laughing feeling light-hearted and free.
As a natural part of my own evolution through the information I learn through my client sessions, I have also expanded into offering Crystalline Soul Healing (CSH) which is another quantum healing modality centered around empowerment.
As someone who has lived in a heavily left-brain oriented life, I specialize in helping people who go deeper into accessing altered states of consciousness and extracting the wisdom that awaits them there. There is always a bit of a learning curve as you deprogram yourself from the unconscious limiting beliefs placed onto us by society, but I've never had a client who couldn't eventually get there with enough practice. Accessing altered states of consciousness is a birthright. It's my honor to help you remember how to reconnect from within!
QHHT Level 2 Practitioner
Trained in multiple methods to facilitate strong connection with SC
Navigates traumatic scenes so client will not experience unwanted physical sensations
Personal mission is to find the specific information needed for client to move forward with purpose
Personal goal for session is to assist with client's ability to live empowered, free, and fulfilled.
Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner
Trained in a variety of deepeners and inductions to support self-hypnosis
Additional training received to conduct sessions remotely/online for clients anywhere
BQH allows me to complement a session with my tuning forks, CSH, reiki, and psychic senses
Personal goal for session is to assist with client's ability to live empowered, free, and fulfilled.
Crystalline Soul Healing Practitioner
Ancient Lyran template technology that informs the subconscious of distortions in programming
Sessions can be offered in-person, remotely, via email, or while you sleep
I use my own psychic abilities to tune into the issue and offer teaching/empowerment afterwards
Removes all resonance barriers restricting your natural empowerment
Critical Incident Response Program
Chaired program for 4,500 flight attendants of an airline from 2019-2022
Trained and Developed team of 40 on trauma response, grief, suicide intervention, and self-care
Worked with 100+ peers supporting through work-related traumatic event such as passenger death, emergency landing, fire or smoke in cabin, physical assault, sexual assault, bomb threats, etc.
Additional Certifications
ICISF Assisting Individuals in Crisis
- ICISF Group Crisis Intervention
- ICISF Advanced Group Crisis Intervention
ICISF Pandemics & Other “Disasters of Uncertainty” Certificate
QPR Institute Suicide Awareness and Prevention Certificate
John Hopkins University, Psychological First Aid Certificate
BBA Loyola University Chicago
Commercial Pilot Certificate