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Online Past-Life Regression / Meet Your Spirit Guides

Mon, Aug 14


Zoom Link provided on MEETUP post RSVP

Not local to Loveland? No problem! This event is online-only so you can connect from anywhere, practice accessing your theta-state, and exercise the right-hemisphere of your brain where the imagery, symbols, and memories are stored.

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Online Past-Life Regression / Meet Your Spirit Guides
Online Past-Life Regression / Meet Your Spirit Guides

Time & Location

Aug 14, 2023, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM MDT

Zoom Link provided on MEETUP post RSVP

About the event

Please only RSVP HERE


This event is for those interested in exploring past lives and gaining an understanding their multidimensional existence. During this event, I will take everyone through a past life regression exercise using Dolores Cannon's method, as well as Meet Your Spirit Guide if time permits.

Why You Should Do This I created these Meetup's because many of us rely on our Type-A personalities, our grit, ability to analyze and strategize, logic, push-through, get it done, etc. Those traits are great, the only problem is they all use the left hemisphere of the brain and we don't always have enough time left over in our day to balance that with right-brain activity. I've found that there is a bit of a learning curve as people begin exercising that right-brain again and by doing things like this, you actually increase the likelihood of a mind-blowing hypnosis session! (You can still have an incredible one-on-one hypnosis session without this practice, but it just guarantees the learning curve is behind you so there's more time for pure channeling during your session).

Those who attend will receive a $25-off coupon code for a quantum healing session with me. Although I use the Dolores Cannon method in both QHHT and group past life regressions, the two are not the same thing. QHHT sessions include a past life but the majority of the session is spent interacting with the subconscious to bring about healing. Past -life regressions are a fun way to activate the right side of your mind and practice accessing your theta brain wave state so you can receive messages from your Higher Self while in a lighter state of trance.

Suggested Donation $20-40

Venmo: @connectedfromwithin 

What to Bring: 

A journal and pen 

Comfy spot with no disruptions 

Eye mask (optional)

Layout of the workshop We'll spend the first 20 minutes or so just getting to know the group and why everyone was drawn to the event, and then we'll jump in once everyone feels acclimated to each other. I'll start with some warm-up visualizations (including more or less practice exercises depending on the needs of the group). After that I'll give everyone a quick 5 minute break to use the restroom before we get started with the past-life regression. I'll give everyone 5-10 minutes to write down their experience and then open it up to sharing. We'll discuss not only the awesome stuff that came through, but what problems you encountered, how you overcame them, and share insights into what helped so everyone in the group can learn from each other. If there is enough time, we'll do an exercise to meet your spirit guide.

All you have to do is set an intention for what you'd like to get out of the event, and then let go of all expectations (that's the tricky part).

Rules to Promote Privacy and Safety within Group:

  1. No recording devices. What is shared amongst participants is private information, so if you sign up for this event that is a commitment to nothing being recorded.
  2. Only you in the room. It's really important that everyone in attendance knows who exactly is in attendance to feel safe.

*I strive to create a safe environment where each attendee feels supported and not judged for their unique beliefs and opinions. Please be aware that everyone is in a different place in their spiritual journey, and that what is shared may not reflect the opinions of Connected From Within. So take what you like, and leave what you don't. I just ask that you assist in that goal by being supportive and encouraging of others in attendance.

Also, be aware I am not a doctor and these events are not considered medical treatment. These events may provide you insight and positively impact your life, but they are not designed to replace proper medical care.

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