Just hours after watching an interview with Barbara Hand Clow, I joined a guided meditation to connect to my interdimensional guides with the intention to deepen my understanding of dimensions. Apparently, "they" had been waiting quite some time for me to ask this question because the information started pouring in!
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
This time, my interstellar guide chose to present herself in a form that I would interpret as nonthreatening and alient. She began our session by explaining to me that everything is energy, and that frequency can be perceived as light, sound, and geometry depending on the octave you're tuning into. As she shared this with me, her geometry started to appear behind her. This was the second time I'd perceived geometry this way, the first time having happened only a few months prior while offering a Crystalline Soul Healing session to a client. My guide explained that as my understanding has expanded, I've also expanded my ability to perceive in this way.
Sacred Geometries
Admittedly, my foundational understanding of sacred geometry and the flower of life is very basic. She wants me to study this more so I can articulate it more clearer and accurately for others. In the meantime, here are the concepts she shared with me.
Each dimension has it's own geometric structure, and as we allow those geometric structures to form inside of our unique energy signature we can experience different dimensional perspectives. Cymatics, resonance, and frequency is possible because of moisture. This is why many indigenous and ancient cultures talk about breath being air containing water.
The best example I can give to convey this concept is to compare your sacred energetic signature to Metatron's Cube (the white circular structure in all 6 depictions above). What is so special about this geometric shape is that all of the platonic solids fit perfectly within this structure. You work in the same way, as the platonic solids can also fit within your sacred, geometric blueprint. When you resonate with a platonic solid, or put in another way when that platonic solid forms within your geometry, it influences your perception.
In this example, it's as if the platonic solids represent the container of the dimensions you perceive through within your holographic reality. This means we can actually perceive all 12 dimensions while in our embodied experience here on Earth, as the dimensions are in fact here, overlaid within each other the way a tetrahedron can fit within a cube. The last piece she shared was that there is a correlation between these 12 dimensions and the 12 zodiac signs, the 12 chakras, the 12 cranial nerves, the 12 disciples. It's all a metaphorical representation of "As above, so below. As within, so without"
Side note, this information was later verified in Barbara Hand Clow's book the Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions (pictured below). I highly recommend reading this and all other books she recommends. Oddly enough, a few weeks after downloading the audiobook I discovered that I had purchased this book in my Kindle back in 2020. I'm impressed with my guide's patience. It makes sense why so much was waiting to come through!
Barbara Hand Clow's Explanation of the Dimensions
Clow acknowledges there are more dimensions above the ninth, most likely twelve, but at the time of writing the Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions book this was as high as she could perceive and understand. Below is a depiction of how these 12 dimensions correlate with the chakras, and a description how each dimension can be experienced by humans.
1st Dimension: The Core of the Earth
Nature: The dimension of iron-crystal energy in the Earth's core.
Experience: Pure grounding, magnetism, and stability.
Distinction: Connects with survival instincts and the Earth's physical foundation.
2nd Dimension: Telluric Realm
Nature: The realm of elemental forces, microbes, and Earth’s magnetic fields.
Experience: Interactions with life-building energies like bacteria, soil, and plants.
Distinction: Sensory and non-verbal; felt in the energy of the land and ecosystems.
3rd Dimension: Linear Space-Time
Nature: The material world we live in, governed by physical laws and linear time.
Experience: Duality, cause and effect, and physical embodiment.
Distinction: The reality we perceive with our five senses; most tangible.
4th Dimension: The Realm of Myths and Archetypes
Nature: The emotional & symbolic realm where myths, dreams, and archetypes reside.
Experience: Collective unconscious, emotional waves, and time loops.
Distinction: Fluidity and non-linearity; connects with emotions and the astral plane.
5th Dimension: Unconditional Love
Nature: The realm of unity consciousness, love, and divine energy.
Experience: Access to healing, forgiveness, and creative inspiration.
Distinction: A state of harmony and understanding, free from judgment or duality.
6th Dimension: Sacred Geometry
Nature: The realm of archetypal templates, forms, and universal patterns.
Experience: Insight into the structure of reality, sacred geometry, and light codes.
Distinction: Visions of patterns, forms, or an intuitive grasp of universal laws.
7th Dimension: Cosmic Sound
Nature: The dimension of divine sound and vibration.
Experience: A frequency that harmonizes and structures energy fields.
Distinction: Recognized through resonance, tones, or vibrational awareness.
8th Dimension: Divine Mind
Nature: The realm of the collective mind, organizing higher cosmic intelligence.
Experience: Visionary downloads, interconnectedness of knowledge, universal insight.
Distinction: Perceived as a "field" of higher knowledge or intuitive genius.
9th Dimension: Galactic Center
Nature: The highest dimension accessible, linked to the source of creation.
Experience: Awareness of universal cycles, cosmic transformation, and divine will.
Distinction: A sense of timelessness and profound interconnectedness to all dimensions.
Some say the 10th Dimension is the axial movement between the dimensions.
Both my guide and Clow express that there is no hierarchy to these dimensions. Higher dimensions and their respective star systems that oversee them are not better or more favored by "God". They are simply different ways of perceiving the same focal point. Each dimension has its own challenges, and teachings. According to Clow, once we can work through our individual traumas that the 4th dimension trigger, we can transcend duality and open ourselves up to the higher dimensions which can be experienced in our third density physical bodies as new emotions and insights. As we do the individual work, the collective unconscious becomes less dense, allowing the collective to move through the 4th dimension and begin to anchor in 5th dimensional frequencies more consistently.
I've been doing a lot of that inner work the last several months, and have struggled to hold higher dimensional perspectives that are usually not as difficult for me. The way my guide explained this to me is that my natural setpoint is very multidimensional, however, because of the challenges I'm moving through right now the perfection of my geometry is fluctuating as a result of me not having daily/weekly practices that support stabilizing more expanded perspectives. Since there isn't enough being done to stabilize those higher dimensional perspectives, the result is that I'm actually being heavily impacted by the fields of those individuals I interact with with as well as the collective, because of being an empath.
How the 6th Dimension Experiences Empathy
Through the lens of geometry, my guide explained that I can feel another's geometry within my own very easily because I am empathetic. Being an empath is tremendously helpful as it allows for a near effortless exchange of akashic information (thoughts, feelings, needs, distortions, truth, etc.). The downfall is that if we don't do enough to stabilize those higher dimensional perspectives, our own bodies and energy fields will resonate with distorted frequencies which isn't pleasant for us, nor is it immediately helpful for those we hope to help in the moment. As bad as it sounds for us in our physicality, from a higher perspective the process is perfect because our interaction with these frequencies contributes to the collective energy field, which polarizes and subsequently creates through the law of attraction what we need to be able to release these distortions and remember who we are... to remember our connection and light. However, since it isn't a pleasant place to be for very long our work is to transmute it before that discordant tune plays long enough to be absorbed by our own subconscious.
When Empathizing Results in Feeling "Off"
I then asked, "what can we do to help shift out of that discordant energy faster after something like this happens?"
The answer: "Get moving"
My guide explained that when we are exposed to distorted frequencies, if there isn't a louder/more stable frequency that the body's water in its cells can entrain to, the distorted frequency will ripple throughout our body and may lead to some unpleasant emotions. When we jump, move around, and shake it out, that action jostles the water inside of us carrying those geometries and frequencies offering a reset that clears it out... much like an Etch A' Sketch! That at least helps move that energetic imprint out of our experience.
What is better is exercising long and hard enough to release endorphins. Through the lens of the sixth dimension, our body's natural hormones have their own pure geometric shapes that are very enjoyable to us when released into our blood stream because it gives our cells a geometry to resonate with.
How to Stabilizing Higher Frequencies
When we get out of the immediate disharmonious frequency absorbed from another or the collective, we can once again begin to transmute our own distortions/traumas. Finding and remembering our true selves again, after believing a distortion is what clarifies our personal geometry into its beautiful, harmonic potential. This is the point of shadow work... to peer into our traumas to find the light that transcends duality and separation.
My next question was what can we do to stabilize higher frequencies as a daily or weekly practice?
The guidance: "Observe what geometries/frequencies you're exposed to both internally and externally. "
It wasn't spoken but implied to reflect on the food quality, water purity, environmental contaminants, clutter, our work environment, social circle, etc. My guide chose to use the rest of our time together to talk about the significance of meditating and the potential of doing so within a harmonic structure.
Back in 2021 I attended a Templemaking workshop in Sedona led by Freddy Silva. If I hadn't attended the workshop myself I probably wouldn't have given it the weight it deserves, but having felt the power from the vortex our group created following Silva's instruction I knew exactly why my guides were pushing the issue.
According to Silva's course, each geometric shape has a different affect on the human body. If the intention of your temple is to support healing you'd use an 8 pointed star, whereas if you're goal is to bring about stability you'd use a square. The documentary is now available on Gaia or can be purchased through Vimeo. There is so much information, I highly recommend you watch it! Creating your own temple in your space is one of the most affordable and long-lasting ways to achieve this for those of us who do not live near known vortices or sacred sites like the Serpent Mound or Chartres Cathedral. Another option to experience a geometrical balanced structure is to search for a Harmonic Egg center nearest you.
My guides explained that when we put our physical bodies inside of harmonic spaces something very powerful happens to it. Things shift, energies change, the veil is thinned, and consciousness expands. Of course, if we meditate long enough eventually our cells will be able to entrain to those frequencies allowing the geometry to emerge from within, and we become the vortex.
The Secrets of the Universe
After coming out of that meditation, I started looking around my home, my neighborhood, my world from the perspective of the influence of geometry. I could see how each tree started with the same DNA, the same geometric imprint innately stored within the seed, yet diverged from a perfect fractal as a reflection of the energies influencing it during each stage of its growth. I could see how the geometric frequency of a star, a planet, a moon, a comet, and all the other celestial forms recognized by astronomy would impact and inform our own geometries, giving credibility to astronomy. I could see how everything ripples out, and nothing is ever truly isolated. It showed me the tapestry of our interconnectedness.
We don't need to separate ourselves. It's about stabilizing harmonious frequencies rather than avoiding and protecting ourselves from disharmonious ones. This journey is not about escaping the challenges of the third dimension but about unifying the duality to access broader perspectives while embodied. This not only moves us through the complexities of life with less suffering, but also opens pathways to perceiving beyond duality where compassion is natural, love is abundant, and separation nonexistent.
As Tesla's words echo, the secrets of the universe truly lie in energy, frequency, and vibration—an invitation for each of us to explore, expand, and evolve in unity and connection.
Katie Christensen is a teacher on Insight Timer, a past-life regressionist, and hypnotist trained in Dolores Cannon's technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing. She also hosts the Meetup Group Awakening Through Explorations of Consciousness. To find out more, visit ConnectedFromWithin.com